In Transit by Lenore Kandel Question: Locate the center of infinity Answer: Anywhere IT NEVER STOPS MOVING! The ceaseless alchemical permutations, gold into history, rain into strawberries, strawberries into my bloodstream, my blood into flowering dreams the dream into absolute perception, into coruscating visions of THIS IS WHERE IT IS BA-BY into infinity It is necessary to search the spirit through the light of one's own bioluminescence THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS STANDING STILL the balance is that of a gyroscope motion existing within motion the balance of a bird listening to its heartbeat, wings poised against the currents of the air, eyes tracing the turning of the earth, the planet circling the sun, the sun spinning its golden path in the universe and the universe breeding life and death in infinity and the bird hangs halfway up the sky infinite motion at rest within infinite motion LET IT GO ! whatever you see that is beautiful don't hang on to it whatever you see that is terrible don't hang on to it LET IT GO ! the balance is that of sunlight on water, the sunlight moving as the earth turns, the water following its gravity path into eventual raindrops and hope to another river the sunlight-and-water being one and together for the duration of their parallel flow there is no way to stop water if you lock it up it will evaporate and reach the clouds anyhow there is no way to stop the sun it holds its own galactic balance and moves according to the nebulae of outer space LET IT GO ! IT NEVER STOPS MOVING there is movement within a mountain, a rock, a thought, a flower, a lightbulb, a cat, a star, a rice-bowl, an arrow LET IT GO ! IT NEVER STOPS MOVING there is no such thing as standing still the direction of motion is frequently a matter of choice when you try to stop other things from moving you give yourself an impetus toward backwards motion LET IT GO ! most of the time you will be the it being let go of Copyright © 1995 Lenore Kandel